In Today life we haven't so mucht ime....Everything is going too fast. In this fast world email technology is growing so fast.We often check our mails on computer. But if your Computer is not near or you are not at home then you can check email on your Mobile. Many of us are using Mobiles to check email,But they use different method. In that method you firstneed to goto Your Email Provider's Website, then fill yourLogin Details and After that you can access your Email Inbox. But is it not Good If you receive youremails like Text Messages directly to your Phone. So if you want to get Emails Directly to your Mobile then follow the instructions given below: This Method is for Nokia S60 Mobiles Only,But if you are an Advanced User and Have a knowledge of Settings then you can try it on any mobile....Steps may Vary But Settings remain Same. Steps: 1. Goto Main Menu -> Messages->Settings- >Email-> Mailboxes->If you have any otherMailboxes then goto Options->New Mailbox.Otherwise Phone will Automatically ask you to create anew mailbox. 2.Now Select Mailbox Settings-> Edit These settings with Following:
Mailbox Name : Gmail or anything you wish. Access Point in Use : Access Pointof Your Service Provider (e.g. Mobile Office) My Email Address: Your Email Address Outgoing Mail Server: Send Message : Immediately
Username : Your Gmail Username Password: Your Email's Password Incoming Mail Server: Mailbox Type: IMAP4 Now Push Back and Select User Settings: Emails to retrieve: No. Of Emails you want to select in your mobile's Inbox.Set its range as you wish. Now Back three times, Goto Mailbox in Use and Select that Mailbox(Gmail) we created. Thats All.Now goto Messaging-> Gmail- >Select Yes and your Phone will start connecting to server. Enjoy Mails on Your Mobiles. Above settings are for Nokia S60,If you have any another device or having trouble in configuring settings then kindly comment here. Thanks.